
So it would seem...we've completed our GSE experience.  Our final farewell presentation was just the other night at the Crooked House.  There has been a short lapse in our reporting of what we've been doing, but certainly has only been since we've been very, very busy.

I'm happy to report the farewell shot off spectacularly!!  But I'd like to let you all in on a few of the photos over the past two weeks.  See what you can see in our galleries.

Let's see...where to begin.  How about the Apedale Mine?  We struck out into a drift mine in the heart of the industrial revolution country.  We went deeper down that they usually let you go, and there were a few minor ventilation and claustrophobia problems while we were down there.  Check it out:  Apedale

Then we went off to the small town of Stone, which I had been hosted in the week before.  We took a look at a mausoleum and toured some of the canals.  We were able to go up in the tower of St. Michael's Church to overlook the town of Stone, giving me a view I hadn't seen previously.  Check it:  Stone

What next?  Well, we went to Stafford and toured a bit around there, met with the Mayor and had a chat in his parlour.  Then we had an actual canal tour for an afternoon and had an opportunity to open and close the locks and steer the longboats ourselves!

That's hardly the beginning of the last little while.  We went to Slater's brewery (too early in the morning mind you), Stafford Castle, JCB heavy machinery factory, and Lichfield Cathedral!  I was able to head to Oxford with my last host family to take them punting.  I tell you, those Cambridge grads are lucky I didn't opt to go to Oxford...I didn't even dump my host family in the water and I would be a credit to the punting team forsure.

Most of us are in London now on vacation.  I imagine it will take some time to allow what we've seen and done to sink in, but these are memories that will last a lifetime.  The people we've met and lived with will always be with us and this has been an experience that shant be forgotten.

All the best,


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Gailmarie said...

I am so very proud to have been associated with this GSE England 2011 Team. You have all done an amazing job as ambassadors of Canada and for Rotary! Thank you so much. Looks like you had a wonderful experience and now have lifelong friends from England too. So glad that Shelterbox was a highlight too. Thanks for sharing your stories and your pictures with us. I'm looking forward to hearing about everything again at our conference in 2012 in Winnipeg. Now, rest up, spend time with family and friends, get back into your work mode, and smile when you think of all your lovely GSE times.

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